Resources - Wallpaper

We are proud to provide our visitors with free race walking images for wallpapering a computer.  Each image is stored in multiple resolutions so that you can pick one that is optimized for your computer. 


Pick the image you wish to make your computers background.

Click on the size (to the right of the image) that matches your computer.

When the full size image appears, move your mouse pointer over the image.

Right click on the image. A pop-up memu appears.

Select Set as Background (internet Explorer) or Set as Wallpaper(Netscape).

The image should appear on your desktop.

When you are finished, hit the back button of your browser to return to

Phillip Dunn leading Kevin Eastler, Tim Seaman, and Curt Clausen

at the National 2 Hour Championships

640 x 480

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

Susan Armenta on her way to winning

the National 1 Hour Championship


640 x 480

800 x 600

1024 x 768

1600 x 1200

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