They say in Patagonia you can experience all four seasons in a day, it seemed like we were on pace to do that as the sun established itself as a fellow competitor.
Fortunately, the walkers had lots of ways to attempt to stay cool.
Dunfee tried the double sponge approach.
Hefferman seemed to just ignore the adversity and press on!
No one was willing to conceed.
Andreas Gustafsson didn't seem pleased with the heat either.
Between 30km and 35km, Sudol dropped back and Heffernan established himself as the pace setter.
However Ryzhov was not about to reliquish much ground.
Neither was Noskov adn the trio were seperated by only 2 seconds by 35km coming through in 2:33:46, 2:33:47, and 2:33:48 respectively.
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