Driving across the causeway to Cramden Park in the predawn foggy darkeness, one could easily miss the venue contained within. Indeed our car and others circled around until finding the proper parking lot that lead to the setting for a morning of drama, achievement, and dissappointment. Athletes, staff, and spectators milled about as the sun slowly started to rise, lighting a perfectly flat course. If it weren't for the boding hot sun, one would expect a fast day. However, as the sun peered over the horizon, the vultures peered down hoping for an early snack.
Philip Dunn "preparing" for the race.. |
Anxious for the race to begin, the turkey vultures hoped for
a breakfast
in the form for fallen race walkers. |
Start of the 50K Olympic Trials Race Walk |

Early pack at the 50K Olympic Trials Race Walk |
Right from the start Philip Dunn and Matt Boyles authoritativly took the lead. |
A second pack formed with Olympians Curt Clausen, Tim Seaman
and Marco Evoniak joined by Theron Kissinger. |
Return to the 50K Olympic Trials.
Philip Dunn, two-time Olympian and heavy favorite.